West Lodge, Littleberries Littleberries Estate, The Ridgeway, London NW7 1EH
Littleberries LLP c/o Begbies Traynor
FINE Architecture
Core Five LLP
Grade II Listed 2-storey building - reinstatement of the shell and core, internal fit-out and external landscaping. When we took this project on, the property was almost entirely derelict. Our remit was to save and reuse as much of the original structure as possible. A whole new roof had to be made and the building stripped back so it could then be restored, not only to its former glory, but with energy efficient services and a modern internal spin on the decor, still using traditional materials. The property was subsequently purchased by the first viewer. We are very proud of this project and the site team that made it happen. Our works on site continue with the main building at Littleberries.